Earlier this week, Patrick Stalsworth, began his new career as a Systems Administrator at Innovative Concepts. Patrick comes with a wide array of technical support knowledge as well as degrees from Cuesta College and many other accreditations.
Patrick’s previous employment was to support one of the largest hosted VOIP solutions in the United States. Since Innovative Concepts also recommends a hosted VOIP solution from Freedom Voice (one of the largest hosted VOIP solutions in the United States), Patrick will begin helping customers immediately.
Innovative Concepts employs three “levels” of support personnel. The combination of Network Administrators, System Administrators, and System Technicians allows the best and most efficient service provided.
To decide on hiring Patrick, Innovative Concepts performed an extensive search and investigation to ensure any potential employee would perform as expected. As always, more emphasis is placed on customer service, morals, and ethics than anything else. Lonny Rollins, CEO of Innovative Concepts, is often heard saying, “We can teach the technical stuff. They need to be a good person first.”.
Innovative Concepts hopes that its many clients get to know Patrick in the coming months. Please join everyone in welcoming Patrick to an amazing community.